Vacuuming Upholstered Furniture

Even though upholstered furniture hides dirt well, the grime and crumbs from daily life are still there. and if you have pets, their hair is too.  Regularly vacuuming your upholstered furniture will help eliminate the dirt in your house. It also helps with the upkeep of your furniture.

How frequently you need to vacuum upholstered furniture depends on how often you use the furniture. Also, what the snack factor is.  It is evident, the couch in front of the television is where children hang out daily. Additionally, it is where you have movie nights. It requires a higher frequency of vacuuming than the chair in the corner of the formal living room that completes the design of the chamber.  For high traffic areas (especially the beloved pet’s favorite spot or places with a high snack factor) we recommend weekly or bi-weekly.  For those low traffic rooms, every month or two is sufficient.

When vacuuming your upholstered furniture, you will need to use different attachments to your vacuum cleaner for the best results.  Use the upholstery attachment for your vacuum for basic vacuuming.  Remove cushions if applicable and work from top to bottom left to right.  Put cushions back in place after cleaning all sides of each one.  Remember to change the suction-level lower when cleaning delicate fabrics.

When necessary, use the crevice vacuum attachment tool for corners and edges.  This small, flat head removes dust from tight spots and works well on upholstered furniture and several areas of the house too.  On leather furniture, the dust brush attachment works best and keeps your leather furniture safe with its soft brush edge.

Vacuuming upholstered furniture is an important key to keeping your house at its most cleanliness state.  Contact our office or ask during your in house estimate about including this service to any of our house cleanings.

“Buyer Beware” – Not All House cleaners Will Save You Money

While it’s true that having someone else take over your cleaning tasks will save you time and money overall, you’ll want to be sure the house cleaning company you hire is actually going to save you money and not end up costing you more. What does that mean?

Well, in today’s social media culture, anyone can make a post stating that they are a housecleaner and start taking clients. This person could be fantastic— a knowledgeable cleaner with good ethics who just happens to not have insurance or licensing— or they could be an opportunist looking for easy access to your trust and your valuables. They could be a careful and consistent cleaner, or they could be accident-prone and sloppy.

If you’ve hired a cleaner without proper licensing, training, or insurance, any mishaps resulting in an injured worker, broken belongings, or missing items will be your responsibility.  You’ll be responsible for providing medical care, repairing, or replacing belongings by filing a claim under your own homeowners’ insurance policy, where you will pay your full deductible.

If accidents do occur, a properly licensed and insured cleaning company will assume all responsibility and cover any damages caused by their employees. They’ll also provide worker’s compensation for any injuries that an employee may suffer while on the job.

Hiring a trustworthy, licensed and insured house cleaning company with great reviews that performs background checks and provides training for all of their cleaning technicians may be slightly more expensive than hiring Regina Random from Facebook, but in the long run, it is a money-saving choice. Training, trustworthy technicians with clear background checks offer you something truly valuable: Peace of mind. An insured and bonded company doing work in your house while you are away can save you thousands upon thousands of dollars.

Start Saving Today

Ready to start spending more quality time with friends and family and less money on cleaning supplies? Request a quote from Clean and Simple for your regular, weekly cleaning needs (and beyond!)