Dusting Tips – Easy Pointers to Keep Your Home Clean and Neat

Dusting should be a regular chore as it protects your family and household surfaces.  Hopefully, with our tips for dusting, the task will become easier and more efficient.

Dust is composed of items like human skin cells, fabric fibers, pet dander, dust mite excrement, as well as dirt and debris tracking inside.  Dust not only makes your home look dirty but causes scratches and damage to surfaces and can cause allergy and breathing concerns for some individuals.

Clean and Simple Cleaning ™’s Dusting Tips

We recommend microfiber cloths for dusting.  It was for this purpose why scientist created Microfiber cloths.

Electrically-charged, microfiber cloths pick up dust instead of pushing it around as other ordinary cloths can do.  However, they are not magic materials. So you still need to make sure you are using the right technique.

Dust from top to bottom and left to right.  It is our motto for cleaning a room in general and stays right to dusting as well.  You should also start in the back and move forward and make sure you cover every part of the surface you are dusting.

It is not recommended to use furniture polish with the microfiber cloths.  However, some dusting jobs might require the use of polish.  Remember, do not use too much furniture polish as it causes build up.  The saying “a little goes a long way” rings true with furniture polish.  We use an industrial/commercial brand, but for choosing a brand at the store, we have found the biggest difference to be in the smell. So, it is a personal preference.

Dusting electronic appliances and furniture should take place weekly.  Duste door frames, ceiling fans, baseboards, and the like every two weeks. Alternatively, as long as there are not any major allergy issues, do it as needed

Another tip for dusting intricate knick knacks and decor is to use a clean paint brush, similar to how we recommended its use when detailing a car.

To remove cob webs from walls especially corners and high light fixtures, we recommend long dusters with a multi-flex all purpose duster.  These are bendable to allow you to get into all the tight spots and the covers are machine washable.

Leave a comment with any other dusting tips or questions about dusting!

Of course, if you just don’t want to worry about dusting your house, call us or fill out an online estimate form for regular service.  After all, your time is precious and our time is affordable.

“Buyer Beware” – Not All House cleaners Will Save You Money

While it’s true that having someone else take over your cleaning tasks will save you time and money overall, you’ll want to be sure the house cleaning company you hire is actually going to save you money and not end up costing you more. What does that mean?

Well, in today’s social media culture, anyone can make a post stating that they are a housecleaner and start taking clients. This person could be fantastic— a knowledgeable cleaner with good ethics who just happens to not have insurance or licensing— or they could be an opportunist looking for easy access to your trust and your valuables. They could be a careful and consistent cleaner, or they could be accident-prone and sloppy.

If you’ve hired a cleaner without proper licensing, training, or insurance, any mishaps resulting in an injured worker, broken belongings, or missing items will be your responsibility.  You’ll be responsible for providing medical care, repairing, or replacing belongings by filing a claim under your own homeowners’ insurance policy, where you will pay your full deductible.

If accidents do occur, a properly licensed and insured cleaning company will assume all responsibility and cover any damages caused by their employees. They’ll also provide worker’s compensation for any injuries that an employee may suffer while on the job.

Hiring a trustworthy, licensed and insured house cleaning company with great reviews that performs background checks and provides training for all of their cleaning technicians may be slightly more expensive than hiring Regina Random from Facebook, but in the long run, it is a money-saving choice. Training, trustworthy technicians with clear background checks offer you something truly valuable: Peace of mind. An insured and bonded company doing work in your house while you are away can save you thousands upon thousands of dollars.

Start Saving Today

Ready to start spending more quality time with friends and family and less money on cleaning supplies? Request a quote from Clean and Simple for your regular, weekly cleaning needs (and beyond!)